Hospitals ..... or Killing Fields?
It's time to analyze the data on COVID19 deaths in hospitals
My beloved cousin David, died from COVID19 in a New York hospital, early in 2021. I am seldom on WhatsApp and Facebook and missed the family news that he was ill in hospital, and even that he had passed away. I am still tormented by the fact that I might have been able to intervene to save his life, had I been aware that he was in hospital. Yet, how much did we know at that time about what was really happening in hospitals? Very little.
David had not taken the gene-based injections, and was healthy. He was actually working on a diagnostic test for Sars-Cov-2, so he was in the know about Sars-Cov-2. Why did he die? What drugs were administered to him in hospital? Why did a healthy man develop renal failure in hospital, and why was his advocating cousin (a highly qualified nurse) told that there was nothing that could be done to save his life? She remembers that she was told nonchalantly, “He’s not going to make it”. The fact that it took two weeks for him to die in hospital only confirms my concerns. As is typical, no one from the family was given access to him until the funeral home could collect his corpse.
With the passage of time, I have learnt a lot about what is taking place in the hospitals in the United States. For instance, I have discovered that the US hospitals are all following the NIH protocol [1, 2], and put pressure on patients and their families to allow the use of ventilators [2].
What I have learnt is extremely troubling, and confirms that people are dying, who should not be dying. I also found out that my cousin’s wife probably received a payout of about 9000 USD [3], that to this day, she has never disclosed to the family. I call this “shut up money” or “look the other way money”.
Another uncomfortable truth is that hospitals receive money per death, thereby not incentivising them to ensure patients do not die while in their care. They also have full indemnification from whatever happens to patients in their care, related to COVID19. Does this seem far-fetched? Keep reading.
Incentives and Payouts
A dead COVID19 patients is worth more than a recovered COVID19 patient. Death pays, at least where COVID19 is concerned. The following data are taken from The data are referenced below. The amounts that are earned by hospitals, at every step of the process, are astounding. These payments create conflicts of interest for patient care. Just look at how much is paid per patient placed on ventilators! Is it any wonder so many people are placed on ventilators?
The amounts paid per COVID19 patient in each State are shown in the following table taken from
How much federal COVID-19 aid are hospitals getting? A state-by-state analysis
Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators
Financial Resources for Hospitals During the COVID-19 Emergency
Hospitals Are Paid Federal Cash For Every COVID-19 Patient They Admit & Even More If You Die Of It
Now let’s hear from nurse whistle blowers about what is really taking place in the hospitals.
What Happens in the Hospitals Usually Stays in the Hospitals
Nurse Whistle Blowers
Following is a video from two nurse whistle blowers. It is a must-watch. Warning: Expect to be shocked and distressed.
Copy this URL to a browser and watch the video.
The hospitals in the US do not prioritize early treatment. The media, FDA, NIH and CDC have spent the last two years denying that Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and other low cost generic treatments work. Yet, the new EUA authorized drugs that are very expensive, also rely on starting treatment as early as possible. Earlier versions of these types of treatments, were developed for the common cold and influenza. Relenza (GSK/Biota) and Tamiflu (Roche) have been around for approximately 30 years. The new drugs have simply been removed from the shelf in the large pharmas, dusted off, and moved through to Emergency Use Authorizations. If you decide to take one of these new drugs, be sure you examine the product label, particularly in relation to the safety profile and the warnings. See the Substack The Uncensored Citizen for more information about one of these new treatments [4].
The hospitals are typically not competent to follow effective treatment approaches, because they are incentivized to only use the NIH protocols. The latter, when combined with lack of competent care, and negligence, typically and evidently lead to renal failure and death, even in patients that should not experience renal failure or death. The NIH protocol incentivises the hospitals to allow patients to die, in the best case scenario, and to deliberately bring about their deaths, in the worse case scenario. A mixture of these two scenarios is undoubtedly taking place.
The Use of Ventilators
Hospitals are incentivized to place people on ventilators, and this means that you will be placed on a ventilator, whether it is in your best interest or not. Use of ventilators in intensive care settings is labor intensive, and requires highly trained nurses and respiratory specialists. These staff are expensive. The use of bank staff and nurses to take care of patients on ventilators, is undoubtedly contributing to the high death rates.
The death rate for ventilators, must be examined and analyzed hospital by hospital, to determine why people are dying after they are placed on ventilators. At the start of the crisis, the ventilators were supposed to be life savers. The payment for ventilator use, certainly appears to have created an incentive for these devices to be used, whether they are needed or not. When bank nurses turn up to cover for trained nurses and other staff who refuse the gene-based injections, you can see how tragic outcomes arise as unqualified staff are placed in ICU setting, that they are not qualified to work within.
In the following video Mr. Kurtis Bay shares the tragic story of the death of his dearly loved wife, who died in hospital. This is a must watch.
Copy this URL to a browser and watch the video.
Find many other stories on This is a very important website, with a lot of data and information. There are commonalities in the stories. I recommend you spend some time on this site and then come back to finish this Substack.
Should you go to the hospital if you have tested positive for Sars-Cov-2 virus?
Sadly, if your loved one goes into hospital when they are feeling very unwell, the probability of your loved one leaving the hospital alive is nowhere near 100%. Monoclonal antibodies are not being administered to those who need them. If you or your loved one is treated according to the NIH protocol, they are unlikely to have a good outcome. Your family will be unable to advocate for you, because they will not be given access to you. Isolation appears to be an important part of the NIH treatment protocol.
The concern that you should have is loss of control over what happens to you if you become so unwell that you are incapacitated. If you are a relative, think very carefully before taking your loved one to the hospital after they test positive for Sars-Cov-2 virus. Instead, procure early treatment for them, especially if they are in a high risk medical group. If you do need to be admitted to hospital, go to the hospital that has a record of allowing patients to exercise informed consent. Check the statistics on COVID19 deaths.
Start Early Treatment as Soon as Possible
Remember, for the majority of people who are in good health, the Sars-Cov-2 infection is experienced as mild, especially with the Omicron variant of the virus. So for the people who have a precarious health status, why are some of them dying?
People are usually told to go home and isolate, and then come back if they are getting worse. For the elderly, and people in poor health, or who have a number of co-morbidities, this is not good advice. If you are in poor health, and test positive for the virus, you should begin to take treatment that will supplement your normal immune response, kill the virus, and remove it from your system, as soon as possible. Doing this in the early stages of the viral replication process is crucial. If it is left too later, the virus will over-run your immune system, and more heroic treatment approaches will be needed. Unfortunately, the will to intervene and save lives is missing due to the corruption of the healthcare system. Just as an example of the corruption, when was the last time that you heard of anyone being diagnosed with influenza (flu)? I rest my case.
NIH Corruption
The NIH budget is huge - for 2021 it was 43 Billion USD. Most if not all hospitals in the United States are dependent on NIH funding in some form or another. The following link will take you to a report where you can see the huge amounts paid out by NIH to hospitals, academia and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
The huge disposable budget gives individuals like Dr. Antony Fauci tremendous power. This power has had a corrupting influence on the COVID19 public health crisis. This influence guarantees that hospitals will do as the NIH demands.
Dr. Fauci has mandated that the NIH protocol must be used in US hospitals.
See the guidelines by visiting the following link.
The stipulation of treatment protocols for those admitted to hospitals creates major problems, due to the relationship of the institutions to the NIH. Because of the financial incentives hospitals dare not refuse to comply, even if it is in the best interest of patients. There is simply too much to lose. Remdesivir is stipulated but has a history of being an unsafe drug for Ebola [1], and now, also for COVID19.
Every approved drug has a product label. This product label clearly identifies the Contraindications and Warnings - in other words, the situations where the drug must not be administered. The NIH protocol effectively mandates that there are no exceptions to the use of the protocol. Product labels must be ignored.
The hospital administrators and financial overseers are focused on the bottomline for the hospital, not on saving lives. They are paid by the death, and so patients are dying. They cannot prioritize lives over the grants that the hospital can gain from the NIH, so they do as they are told. Dr. Fauci has a reputation for retaliating against those who go against his directives [5]. Additionally, physicians have been threatened with loss of their medical licenses if they do not do as they are told. Few take risks with their careers. The patients suffer as a result of this corruption.
Common Threads Running through all the Stories
There is a similar pattern to all of the stories you have read about and watched, starting with my cousin, David. They are as follows:
Patients and family members present to the hospital, a little unwell, and they are told that they will be out in a few days.
They are isolated from their loved ones. They have no one to advocate for them.
At some point after admittance they are typically sked to sign a document that essentially waives all their rights to be informed consented.
They suddenly “take a turn for the worse” (or at least that is what family is told), and their relatives and loved ones are told that they are not going to make it.
They die in hospital and their loved ones are left bereft, with extreme feelings of guilt, because their death makes no sense.
How do Hospitals Compare?
How do the different hospitals compare in terms of deaths? If the data were made available, patients and their families could choose between the hospitals. Are they all as bad as each other, or are some less like killing fields than others? We need this data. Freedom of Information requests need to be filed. When we examine the payouts to hospitals and States, we can draw the conclusion that the hospitals that have received large payouts would have higher numbers of deaths, resulting in the larger payouts. There is an urgent need for research on this.
What Should You Do if you become sick with COVID19?
Given what is happening, you should think carefully before presenting to the hospital. Remember, no one is going to be held accountable for their negligence or incompetence. I hope this will change, but for now that is the reality we are living with. Blanket immunity and indemnification has been granted. Many are trying to expose and pierce this veil, due to the fraud, but that process is moving rather slowly.
Here are some suggested steps to help to ensure you and your loved ones do not become victims of the corruption.
STEP 1: Create a plan now - don’t wait to become ill
Purchase the medications that are effective for early treatment. Ensure these medicines are in your home. Buy sufficient for the whole family. The treatment protocols are available from, and
I do not want to advocate for any specific early treatments. Do your research. The NIH protocol has been called into question. Ensure you have strong advocates who will speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself.
STEP 2: Take early Treatment if you become ill - Stay out of the hospital
…… that is, unless you have a death-wish.
STEP 3: Do not leave your relative’s side.
If you cannot stay with them, ask for an independent professional advocate. The hospital is supposed to provide advocates when they are requested. However, who pays their salaries? Are they going to take the hospital line?
Identify this person well in advance. Legal processes including injunctions may be needed. Be aware of how to start and use those, especially if your relative is in a high risk group.
STEP 4: Know your right to informed consent.
You have the right to refuse treatment if it is not in your best interest to receive it. You cannot be penalized for that refusal. Alternative treatment approaches must be made available to you. In the United States, you have the right to try any medication that you believe is appropriate for your care, within reason. The early treatments advocated by Dr. Pierre Kory, and many others, have been around for many years. They are fully approved, and physicians are able to prescribe them off-label. This is normal medical practice. If physicians could only prescribe according to the product label, most childhood diseases would never be treated.
STEP 5: If your loved one dies in hospital, obtain the Medical Records as soon As possible
If your loved one dies in hospital, it is vital that you secure the full medical records as a matter of urgency. Legal counsel should be retained to write to the hospital to obtain the medical records, to prevent them from being destroyed. These records should include all medicines administered while your loved one was in hospital. If you visit the hospital while your relative is there, take scans or photographs of all medical records with your phone or iPad.
STEP 6: Spread the word - warn others
It is extremely difficult to get these stories out to the wider public. Most people have not even heard the stories that you have watched.
Tell your story on,, and
STEP 7: Bring criminal and civil law suits against individuals and hospitals, when able to do so.
At some point, we can hope that lawsuits will be brought to hold individuals and hospital administrations to account. The medical records will be an important aspect of the evidence.
That day is coming, and the sooner the better.
Let’s not forget ……
Turn off the propaganda ……. this will dramatically reduce your anxiety level.
There is a level of unreliability in relation to the COVID19 tests. If you test positive, don’t panic. Test again with a different test.
Omicron is the prominent form of Sars-Cov-2 virus that is presenting now, and it causes mild symptoms in most people, especially the healthy. Most people in good or reasonable health, are not at elevated risk from Omicron.
Maintain your body weight in a normal range for your height and age. This will help you to remain at low risk from COVID19.
Eat well and exercise as much as you can ….. this will do a lot more to save your life than anything they can do for you in a hospital.
If you are already injected with the gene-based injections, think carefully before taking additional “Boosters”. If it is working, why take more doses? If it has not worked so far, do you really need more of the same?
During the coming Fall and Winter the powers that be will try to turn up the heat by making as many people afraid as possible. I can hear it now — “Get vaccinated, Get boosted…..” Do what is best for you after you have done your research.
Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is power. I wrote my first book, Clinical Trials: What Patients and Healthy Volunteers Need to Know [6], after the deaths and injuries of research subjects taking part in clinical trials. The book, was published in 2010, by Oxford University Press, a major publisher. It won awards, and has helped many families who needed to navigate clinical trials while they or their relatives were very ill. Although published 12 years ago, the book provides the information needed to decipher the challenges around the experimental gene-based injections, and other aspects of care, including hospitalization, during the COVID19 crisis.
One of the tragedies of all of these stories is that so much of what has occurred over the last two years, was avoidable. The individuals who were most at risk of dying from COVID19, were the elderly in the 80+ age group, mostly living in nursing homes. Many nursing homes were not protecting their residents; patients with COVID19 were deliberately and negligently, moved into the nursing homes, thereby augmenting the rate of deaths from COVID19.
What is really unacceptable is the death of the healthy, either because they were denied early treatment, and / or because they were given inappropriate or bad treatment in the hospitals, after admittance. Coercion of healthy people to take the gene-based injections, only to result in their injury and/or deaths is a tragedy that should not have happened.
Whilst I am working on a second book that will address the challenges of informed consent in the age of COVID19, the first book puts the information that you need right now, into your hands. Lots of books are coming out, but my first book addresses the science of new medicine development in a lay-friendly way. The book has been used by hundreds of academics, scientists and pharma/biotech executives to gain insights into the new medicine development process.
You can purchase this book directly from the publisher, Oxford University Press, by clicking on the blue button below. Order your copy today and find out what you need to know. In particular, this book will help you to understand how new drug development is supposed to work.
I will provide the author discount code to all who sign up for a paid subscription to this Substack.
Mulangu, S., Dodd, L.E., & Davey, R.T., et. al. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics,N Engl J Med 2019;381:2293-303. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910993. — The Uncensored Citizen. To Paxlovid, or not to Paxlovid, that is the question....
The Real Anthony Fauci. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. New York Times Best Seller. Skyhorse Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5107-6680-8.
Clinical Trials: What Patients and Healthy Volunteers Need to Know. Lorna Speid, Ph.D. Publisher: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-973416-0.
As always, you are encouraged to seek medical advice for your own personal situation. Whatever you read here, should not take the place of your own personal consultation with your qualified and competent medical advisors.
It was not just those who "tested positive" either that were subjected to this hideous evil scheme. If a patient came in to the hospital who may have some semblance of one of the symptoms, they were immediately placed in the isolation units, some may have tested negative but were on 'rule out" status, sort of like guilty until proven innocent. These patients were never treated for what other medical conditions may have truly brought them to the hospital for such as heart disease or asthma. These patients were treated with the "protocol", not for their heart disease or diabetes. Many languished in isolation not just from their loved ones but from the staff on the units as well as the staff were told not to enter the rooms unless absolutely necessary. In all of my decades as a healthcare provider, I have never seen such malfeasance in my entire career. I quit practice in early 2021 rather than to be a silent participant in this evil.
My mother was a victim of these protocols. Luckily, because she's old world rig, she survived. However, she's not the same. Her voice has suffered due to intubation and she needed home care and extensive physical therapy for months after leaving hospital due to atrophy. She's also not the same mentally. She is afraid to be alone, easily agitated and has gaps in her long term memory that were not there before. She's not the same person and I want her back. These monsters must pay. As more of these details come out, I will certainly be searching out for legal advice to hold them to task.