Being informed consented is a complex process. In order for you to be truly inform consented, you must be told about the risks as well as the benefits of any medical product or procedure. There must also be an absence of coercion. How can you know if you were truly informed consented?
Before I tell you how to know if you were or are inform consented, let me address the issue of nomenclature. Throughout my Substack I differentiate between vaccines like those given for childhood diseases, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis B, etc, and the COVID19 genetic injections commonly referred to as vaccines. I do that deliberately because the technology used to create the COVID19 injections is different to the technology used to create Yellow Fever and other vaccines. At best, the COVID19 vaccines can be called therapeutic vaccines, because they use technology originally developed to attempt to treat cancer. They used to be called therapeutic vaccines by the FDA, but they are not vaccines in the normal sense of the word. Consequently, I prefer to use the nomenclature experimental genetic injections. I add the word experimental because they are experimental because they are a gene transfer technology - or gene therapy. Gene therapies are experimental by virtue of the technology used.
How can you know if you are or were inform consented?
A. What answers can you give to the following?
Before you were injected with the experimental genetic injections, were you given an informed consent form, and advised to read it carefully? YES/NO
Before you were injected with the experimental genetic injections, were you told that people who were previously injected were injured, or that some had died? YES/NO
Were you told that any injury you experience would be considered coincidental, and nothing to do with the experimental genetic injections? YES/NO
Were you advised that children had died after receiving the injections, and that the true incidence of deaths was unknown? YES/NO
If you are less than 45 years old, and male, were you advised that you would be well advised not to take the experimental genetic injections, due to the risk of cardiomyopathy, and pericarditis? YES/NO
Were you told that if you are injured, you would receive no compensation? YES/NO
If you are healthy with no co-morbidities, were you advised that your risks from the Sars-Cov-2 infection, were probably lower than your risks from the experimental injection? YES/NO
Were you advised that the mass “vaccination” campaign was itself creating the variants, and that ultimately it might not be possible to outwit the Sars-Cov-2 virus at it produces variant after variant? YES/NO
Were you advised that the experimental genetic injections were not as effective as hoped? Were you told that the duration of efficacy might only be 6 months, maximum? YES/NO
Were you advised that the experimental genetic injections were known to be producing tragic injuries that were life altering to those impacted? YES/NO
Were you told that the manufacturers were completely indemnified and would carry no liability, whatsoever? YES/NO
Were you advised that the experimental genetic injections are considered by leading scientists to be neither safe nor effective? YES/NO
if you are pregnant were you advised that your growing fetus could be stillborn, or suffer long-term consequences as a result of the experimental genetic injection? YES/NO
If you are breastfeeding your newborn child, were you told that doing so could adversely affect your baby, and that no studies had been completed to assess the risks? YES/NO
Were you told that you could be at risk for cytokine storm and anaphylaxis? YES/NO
Were you told that the risks are poorly characterized because the program of evaluation for these injections was woefully inadequate, and that the clinical trials were extremely poorly conducted? YES/NO
Were you told that the placebo group for the clinical trials collapsed when the experimental injections were granted Emergency Use Authorization? YES/NO
Were you told that the people ending up in hospital are reportedly typically doubled vaxed but captured in statistics as non-vaccinated because they have not taken the Booster? YES/NO
If you answered NO to any of the above situations that apply to you, then you were not inform consented.
B. What are your answers to the following questions?
Did you take the experimental genetic injection to keep your job? YES/NO
Did you take the experimental genetic injection so that you could travel? YES/NO
Did you take the experimental genetic injection so that you could live a normal life after receiving your “vaccine passport?” YES/NO
If you answered YES to the questions in B above, you were coerced into taking these injections. This means you were not inform consented.
What can you do about it? Warn others, and ensure they are better informed than you were. Do not enter any COVID19 clinical trials for these experimental injections or therapeutics. Whatever you do, do not place your children into COVID19 clinical trials.
Please see and see the stories of the injured. Listen to their stories, and acknowledge that they exist.
Anyone who lost a job, business or opportunity because of this surely has the right to sue their state!
You forgot a coercion tactic. Did you receive any compensation either monetary or something of value to take the experimental genetic injection?
I know many people revived cash or even free food to get the jab in NY
THX for the article